Welcome Back for our 2013-14 High School CCE Program!

My name is Lucille D'Elia and I am the NEW Director of Religious Education (DRE) for Holy Trinity of Corn Hill.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me!

  • My contact information:  email:  frankd39elia(at)yahoo.com  /  cell:  512-318-5149   /   home:  512-746-4317


(and see the High School Calendar for details, etc.)

Our CCE classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:00 AM (immediately following 8:00 AM mass – 10:30 AM (unless otherwise noted in the  High School Calendar).

  • First day of class:  September 8, 2013
  • Last day of class:  May 7, 2014.

We will now have Mass on the 1st Wednesdays of each month (see attached High School Calendar).*

On these nights, class will be held from 6:30 – 7:30 and then we will attend Mass as part of class, in the church, from 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.  On Sunday mornings the full hour and a half will be spent in the classroom.

*Parents are encouraged to attend Mass on these evenings as well.  You are your child's(ren's) most prominent role model and when you show them that's it's important to attend Mass, they are more likely to continue to do so on their own as adults and then eventually as parents themselves with their own children.  Also, please make sure that your child(ren) wear Mass appropriate clothing (i.e. no short shorts or short skirts or anything revealing or derogatory). If your child(ren) will be assisting in Mass in any capacity (i.e. altar servers, lector, gift bearers) please be sure that they are not wearing tennis shoes or t-shirts with any words on them.  Although we must always dress appropriately in the House of God, it is especially important when serving or assisting during Mass.

We will serve a meal every Wednesday class night from 5:45 – 6:15 p.m. for the catechists, students and parents. We know that it's hard to get home from work and school and have enough time to eat and make it here by 6:30, so we offer this service to you all – for free.  It's also hard for the children to pay attention in class when their stomachs are grumbling, so please come and have a meal on us - and mom/dad gets a night off, too!  Please note that the kitchen will close promptly at 6:15 PM so that we may all follow the rule to fast one hour prior to receiving communion.

Most of you have heard and are aware of the diocesan requirements for the Ethics & Integrity in Ministry (EIM) certification.  Anyone who has anything to do with children in the parish (i.e. Catechists, classroom volunteers, etc.) must have taken an EIM Course (and a refresher course every three years after) in order to participate.  Therefore, if you have taken it, THANK YOU.  If not, please talk to me and I will point you in the right direction.  With that said, one of the diocesan requirements is that there are two EIM certified persons in each CCE classroom on every class night.  Please make the effort to sign-up with your child's(ren's) teacher to sit-in with them when needed.  I know that most of you have done this in the past and I want to thank you for your time and dedication to meeting these standards.

The key to success is communication.  If there is ever any information that needs your attention, I will send notes home with your children, so make sure you ask them after each class if they have any. But I would also like to use email to pass on the messages as well.  Therefore, if you don't mind, please make sure I have your current information (should be filled out on the Registration Form).  And, if you don't have email, please make sure that I have a good phone number (or two) for you.  Also, if any of your information changes throughout the year (home address, phone numbers, email, etc), please let me know.  We must have accurate information in case of emergencies and/or impromptu announcements such as bad weather closings, etc.

Thank you for your time and, again, please feel free to contact me with any questions or to voice your concerns/opinions.

Yours in Christ,

Lucille D'Elia




Virginia Loza-Lee, Director of Faith Formation