July 7th Bulletin

July 03, 2013 at 7:34 PM


This week's Bulletin: 070713_-_Fourteenth_Sunday_in_Ordinary_Time_final.pdf


Dear friends in Christ,

Peace be with you! Here we are at the beginning of a new adventure in life. We enter into this adventure with faith, hope and love, knowing that God is with us --- knowing that God has a plan for all of us. I hope that we all take part in God’s plan with great enthusiasm and excitement. We do not know what awaits us, but we do know that if we all cooperate with God’s Will, everything will be for the good and betterment of our life and the lives of all our parishioners. May we all work together to fulfill His Divine Plan in our parishes of Sts. Cyril and Methodius and Holy Trinity.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus sends out the seventy-two to proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand for all the people. You and I are sent out each week to proclaim that same Kingdom of God and to let people know that they are called to be part of His Kingdom. We are all called to give witness to the joy of being disciples of Jesus Christ. We are also called to invite others into the Kingdom and into a life of discipleship. We can only do this if we ourselves are living in the life of Jesus. This takes a life of prayer and faithfulness to God. May we all be those faithful witnesses and help everyone to know that a life in Christ is a life worth living and that it is the ultimate calling for each and every person. So go and proclaim God’s Kingdom and help others to know His love.

May all of you have a most blessed week.

Fr. Stephen Nesrsta, farář


Join us for a BAZAAR MEETING and a BIG, HEARTY BREAKFAST today (Sunday, July 7) in the PAC Building, immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. All Bazaar chairpersons are encouraged to attend, as well as anyone who would like to volunteer to work at the Bazaar; and all parishioners and visitors are invited for breakfast!!

DEADLINE FOR RAFFLE PRIZE DONATIONS IS TODAY (SUNDAY, JULY 7). If you would like to donate, or need more information, please contact Charles (512-818-6765) or Jennifer (254-718-9697) Marquis. Thanks to all those who have already donated. Thanks to your generosity, we have some wonderful prizes again this year!

TODAY (Sunday, July 7) IS YOUR LAST DAY TO RSVP FOR OUR ETHICS & INTEGRITY IN MINISTRY WORKSHOP (EIM), which will be held in the PAC Building on Saturday, July 20, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. If you are, for example, a VBS volunteer, CCE Catechist or volunteer, fundraiser/Bazaar worker/volunteer, Mass minister (i.e. lector, Eucharistic minister, etc.), Pastoral/Finance Council member, etc --- and this list only scratches the surface --- then you are required to be EIM Certified.If you do any of this/or other in a parish/parish school, and have NEVER taken an EIM Workshop, you should do so immediately. The Diocese requires that everyone who works for, volunteers at, or is involved in any ministry in a parish/school is required to take this initial EIM workshop and then a refresher course every three years after to stay aware of this topic. If you would like to attend this workshop, please RSVP to Jennifer (holytrinitycc(at)yahoo.com or 512-863-3020) so that we can have a head count for materials, etc.

The Holy Trinity Parish Prayer Campaign for Church Vocations is open to all parishioners. For information, or to sign-up, contact the parish office. This week, the crucifix will be in the home of Pinto & Lucille Nemec. Next week, it will be in the home of Gerrie King. Please pray for vocations.

Vacation Bible School this Monday, July 8, in the RE Building from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

We will have a Pastoral/Finance Council Meeting on Tuesday, July 9, in the RE Bldg, immediately following the 6:00 p.m. Mass. This meeting is open to the parish. Your attendance is encouraged as this is a good opportunity to voice your questions, ideas and concerns for the spiritual well-being of the parish.

K.J.T. #55 will meet on Sunday, July 14, in the RE Building immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. All members are invited and encouraged to attend.

K.J.Z.T. St. Agnes Society #15 will host the Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas District XI Family Social and Meeting on Sunday, August 4, in the PAC Building.  Members and their families are welcome. Registration and meal at 12:00 with a meeting to follow at 1:30 p.m.  Please RSVP by next Sunday, July 14, for a meal count at 512-746-2015 or 512-746-2902.

2013 Bazaar: We are in need of a chairperson for BINGO. If you are interested, or you have questions, please contact Mark Klaus (512-869-7930) or the parish office (512-863-3020).

WE ARE IN NEED OF A PAC MANAGER AND A LAWN MAINTENANCE PERSON. These two jobs can either be separate or combined and they are both paid positions. For more information, please contact the parish office (512-863-3020).

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